Digital Approaches to Art History and Cultural Heritage Conference
Digital Approaches to Art History and Cultural Heritage Conference

The (En)coding Heritage Network in collaboration with the X-Reality Hub are organising a conference on Digital Approaches to Art History and Cultural Heritage, due to be held digitally on 4-5 March 2021. We invite scholars to a second call for papers due to the rescheduling of this in-person event in the face of Covid-19.
This conference brings together researchers who are interested in exploring digital approaches to the study of visual and material culture. The event explores how researchers are integrating digital tools into their research, introduces new audiences to cutting edge technologies and methodologies, and critically assesses the opportunities and challenges that such approaches present. The themes explored are:
Digital Approaches to Art History (Digital Visual Studies). The theme extends to digital and computational approaches to the study of visual culture and includes digital imaging, computer vision, network analysis, visual Distant Reading, digital research infrastructures, data standards, institutional projects, digitisation and digital publishing projects.
Digital Approaches to Architectural and Cultural Heritage (Sites and Objects). This includes data capture, 3D and 4D modelling, and virtual anastylosis. It likewise treats the display, exploration and research of cultural heritage sites using new technologies, including but not limited to virtual and augmented reality.
We invite proposals for 20-minute presentations which engage with any of the above topics or which reflect critically on the integration of digital tools into the study of art history and cultural heritage.
Paper proposals should be submitted using the following form:
Deadline for submission: 14 February 2021.
Organised by Dr Lia Costiner (Merton College, University of Oxford) & Dr Leonardo Impett (Durham University). For questions, please contact