Immersive Technologies Summer School 2018
Immersive Technologies Summer School 2018

Showing researchers how to exploit VR and AR technologies
We have found that students and researchers lack skills to design and develop VR and AR applications. Most of them are not aware of the potential, and the limitations, of such technologies.
The aim of this project is to organisea Summer School in which researchers will develop the know-how needed to exploit VR and AR technologies. They will learn to design and/or to develop content for VR and AR applications. After four days of intense full-time courses, it is expected that attendees, primarily EPSRC funded students and post-docs, have a basic understanding of how to start building an application for VR immersive experiences.
The main objectives were:
To develop key skills currently not taught anywhere in Oxford(the specific skills were identified during the VR and AR Oxford Hubactivities).
To make students aware of the advantages, and limitations, in their fields of application.
To enable researchers to embrace VR and AR technologies.
To make VR and AR technologies accessible to even more researchers.