Immersive Technologies Summer School 2019
Immersive Technologies Summer School 2019

Following the success of the first Summer School
The Immersive Technologies Summer School 2019, organised by the Oxford X-Reality Hub provided students and young researchers with the skills to employ immersive technologies in their own research. This intensive four-days course included a series of hands-on training and project work. It culminated in collaborative group projects, which designed and developed new virtual or augmented reality applications.
Twenty-one applicants participated in the 2019 Summer School. They hailed from 10 UK universities and 1 European institution for higher learning. In selecting participants, each applicant submitted a project proposal that leveraged immersive technologies. The five best ideas were selected and developed in the course of the school. These included the development of AR/VR apps on the topics of creating a pop-up museum and a second portal museum, recapturing a prehistoric cave and its original art, an atom inspector, and amputee bowling. The programme culminated with a public presentation of the apps developed.
We have created videos of all these projects, you can view them on our